
For the latest updates on our projects, please subscribe to our e-newsletters or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.


Photo of the Vermod home at its’ previous location in Moretown, Vermont.

Volunteers at work

West Fairlee, VT - Completed Project

We have recently completed a project in West Fairlee, Vermont, rehabbing a highly energy efficient Vermod Modular Home to provide a new home for a wonderful family with two children.  They have been able to move closer to work, schools and friends and into a home which is highly energy efficient, ready to add solar energy to further reduce energy costs and fuel consumption.  The resulting quality of life benefits will be realized by this family for many years to come, helping to create a foundation for growth and development for the whole family. 

We started work in February, making repairs and painting the interior of the home.  As we moved into spring we began work outside; making repairs, adding a carport, replacing old vinyl siding, and adding an entry porch.  In addition we have replaced all the appliances and HVAC systems to maximize energy efficiency and long term affordability.  

Thirty seven volunteers contributed over 800 hours to complete this rehab project.

Special acknowledgement and thanks to Steve Davis and Vermod for their significant contributions to the project. 

Family and members of Habitat Board and staff at transfer ceremony


Weathersfield, VT - Upcoming Project

Please stay tuned for our next project - a multi-unit, multi-building adaptive reuse project - in Weathersfield, Vermont!

Read more about the project in the Valley News.

We are currently in the planning and pre-development phase, but we will be needing many helping hands for this project. Please register to volunteer here and we will email you when we have volunteer opportunities. Thank you!


Lebanon, NH - Completed Homebuild

We broke ground on The Harrington-Laundry’s High-Performance home in very late April 2023 and the family purchased their beautiful home in Lebanon, NH on Friday, May 5, 2023!

Thanks to 269 volunteers who contributed 3466.5 hours to this project, this gorgeous well-insulated, highly energy efficient, single-floor, single-family home built on a slab achieved Efficiency Vermont High-Performance standards and .60 air-changes per hours at 50 pascals.

Thank you to scores of donors, grantors, construction and lunch provider volunteers, vendors, suppliers, subcontractors, and supporters who made this family’s dream of homeownership a reality!

Huge thank you also to Markell Ripps of Grossman, Ripps & Albert PLLC for donating legal services for the closing pro-bono so we could sell this home to the family!

You can read more about The Harrington-Laundry family here and read about the beginnings of this project in this Valley News article!

Thank you to all those who supported this family and this project!


Critical Home Repair, NH - Completed

In January 2022, we started a critical home repair project for Lebanon homeowner Sandy.

After Sandy's husband passed away from cancer in 2017, a contractor she hired to repair her home took her $27,000 payment and left her in an even worse situation - a completely gutted house with no insulation, running water, or plumbing connections.

During Phase I of the project, very generous volunteer crews transformed Sandy’s house by covering all the open walls and ceilings with sheetrock, which they taped, mudded, sanded, primed, and painted; sorted out and connected all the plumbing, water heater, and furnace; overhauled the wiring; installed an upstairs bathroom; re-did the downstairs bathroom; and installed a functioning kitchen.

52 volunteers contributed 784 construction hours to this project and lunch providers kept the repair crews going strong.

In Fall 2022, as Phase II of the project, we helped repair part of Sandy’s roof that was leaking and had a new roof put on the main part of her home. COVER Home Repair trimmed out all the windows and exterior doors and made storm windows. Tri-County Community Action Agency will blow cellulose insulation into the walls to insulate Sandy’s home.

Lebanon House Renovation.jpg

Lebanon, NH - Completed Renovation

On September 12, 2020, we began renovations on an existing Habitat home in Lebanon, NH.

The Chin Family purchased this home in late April, 2021.

You can read about this project in our previous newsletters.

Chimney Savers donated time and materials to repair two chimneys on this Claremont, NH, home in September, 2018.

Chimney Savers donated time and materials to repair two chimneys on this Claremont, NH, home in September, 2018.

Claremont, NH - Completed

In September 2020, UVHFH announced a $30,000 lead abatement grant program in Claremont. The application deadline has closed and 3 families are receiving $10,000 grants to help abate lead in their homes. This program is funded by the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation.

In 2014, we began a Neighborhood Revitalization program in Claremont, New Hampshire. The project began within a section of town bounded by Central, Pleasant, Prospect and Mulberry Streets and in 2018 was expanded to include the whole city. Funded by the NH Housing Finance Authority (NHHFA), homeowners can apply through us for assistance with home repairs.

For updates on our Claremont Neighborhood Revitalization program, please visit the Claremont NR Facebook page.

Read about Dan and his Claremont house here.

In September 2020, UVHFH announced a $30,000 lead abatement grant program in Claremont. 3 families will be receiving $10,000 grants to help abate lead in their homes. This program is funded by the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation.

Click here to learn more about this grant program.

Trusses go up on the Cayer house in Sharon, Vermont

Trusses go up on the Cayer house in Sharon, Vermont

Sharon, VT - Completed Homebuild

In Spring 2018 we broke ground on the Cayer’s house in Sharon and one year later, in July 2019, we held a dedication ceremony to celebrate it’s completion.

The Cayer’s and their four children, who never thought they would own a home due to medical debt from a stroke Zack suffered at a young age, now own this home that was built to Efficiency Vermont High Performance standards.

Read about their story and the house construction here:

July 2019: Cayer Home Dedication Ceremony newsletter article

July 2019 Randolph Herald article

August 2018 Valley News article